Wednesday 10 September 2014

Radio Og

Dear Friend-

Long time no Blog from Og -
But here's a "Hello" from same - and a revival of this blog is indeed very likely....
In the meantime, I am back on the Radio, - with Soundart at Dartington 102.5 f.m. on alternate Saturdays between 4-5 p.m. -next time Sat. 20 September; then Sat 4 October , and so on...

Radio is a very good invention - and reaches around the World (and beyond?).
So that has been my preferred outlet recently.

Will be in touch again !

                     All Good Wishes to All -

                                                      Og (aka David Matthews.)

Sunday 27 October 2013

News From Narnia

  Dear Friend-

 With an "extra" hour to play with (the clocks have "gone back" one hour - overnight) -have been outside, Starwatching- One or two Moons of Jupiter, nestling close to the parent planet; the Pleiades, toward the West, Castor and Pollux, high and bright, near Jupiter. 
Orion,beloved of the Egyptians, low, sparkling, part-obscured by the great Walnut tree a couple of gardens away.
Then - 2 lights, one very bright, one lesser, zooming up from the South - in a kind of chase- to disappear into the Northern sky.

  The contrast - between the(for the most part) solidly Earth-bound Human Being - with our "space-suit" of flesh and bone, miraculous creation though it is - and the "Space -Jockeys" that flashed overhead - whoever/whatever they are - is so clearly stated; - there is a freedom that we have known - and will know again - when clear of the weight of the physical garment.
Ascension ? 
The Light Body.
A change of Frequency?
Would be good though, to experiment with a little Levitation - while still "here". Some can, and do - a matter of applying the Will(and access to the Flight Manual...).

 Many people fly - as a matter of course -from the Airports of the Planet. If like me, this is, for you, a rare and exceptional experience, then the impression made is powerful indeed.
 Blue Sky Thinking...

 A Different Perspective?
If we could see ourselves... from an aerial,Outer Space, Cosmic perspective..
What might a friendly Space Traveller suggest..
1. stay as you are but laugh at your follies more frequently.
2. see everyone as a potential friend.
3. go walking - frequently
4. practice Silence -especially in government/parliament.
5. make war illegal/impossible.
6. be open to giving, sharing - and receiving.
7. treat others as you would wish to be treated

I'm sure you can think of others to add to the list.

  And the Cats ? -"Furred World" Citizens - dispassionate: here to observe, and monitor all ?

Astrological Dept. 
Another in the sequence of Uranus/Pluto Square Aspects on 1 November 2013.Pluto still in the very "political" area around 10 degrees Capricorn.Breakdown and breakthrough.Revelation and Revolution:-
"What do we want?
- "Gradual Change"
"When do we want it?"
-"In due course".

 An old joke about the Civil Service on strike.
Very Sensible.
But things are moving a little faster now.

Shakespeare:-  "All the World's a Stage and all the Men and Women merely Players in a Play...."(or words to that effect.)
So- don't take it all too seriously.
  Goodbye - for now... (exits Stage Left)..

                            With Kind Regards -
                                               OG (aka David Matthews).


Monday 14 October 2013

Thursday 15 August 2013

   Dear Friend-

Quite a while since the last Blog
Watching the "Old" World unravelling..
As the Money Men make their grab
This can't go on much longer
Something is going to break
Probably the patience of the long-suffering people.
Not to mention the Environment
You know, the Earth we live upon.

Now threatened with Fracking-
A Nice Name for which is Hydraulic Fracturing
"Quite safe - just a few benign chemicals"
Tell that to people in the States who now rely entirely upon expensive botled water.
The man in charge of Nestle would like all water everywhere to be treated as a Commodity, like Furniture, or Smart Phones, or Cappucino -
Next they will charge you for the very air you breathe -
And a Tax for just being Alive.
In case there's a problem - just blame the Poor
But God is watching and "You ain't seen nothing yet"....

    More Soon...

Take Care -  OG(aka David Matthews).

Sunday 12 May 2013

There be Giants


A phrase you'll be hearing more of , from now on. The great "slumbering" soul of the Land of Britain - begins to stir, rub it's eyes, and gaze about upon the Wasteland - the enviromental, financial, moral, spiritual
chaos and confusion -the inevitable result of centuries of short-term, materialistic policies and activities of the natives of these Islands - who are not exclusively responsible, but who do, and have,set the trend and the example for the Planet as a whole -consider the Industrial Revolution:-  with a particularly impressive effort to hack the social fabric to shreds since around 1980.
 Not all have taken such a path - many have watched with growing unease as a desire for gain and profit has overtaken common sense and elbowed aside the more gentle and thoughtful souls amongst us.

However - method in the Madness?- chaos often precedes new life, new hope, new direction - and here, "Albion" - representative of the spirit of this ancient land, assembles the personnel, gathers the pieces together,reveals the lines of communication, sifts the true from the false, mediates, with it's great Heart- with the Moving Principle of the Cosmos, calls in the Powers of Light- as we approach an appointment with what one might describe as a"Phoenix" experience - probable, inevitable, collapse of an old pattern, followed by a rebirth and, from the  purifying "flames" - yes, a "New Earth".

Just a gut feeling about that. How about you ?

 In early May each year, the Sun, rising in the North-East, over the Norfolk/Suffolk border, shines along the length of England - to the western extremity of Cornwall  - along a celebrated Alignment  now known as the Michael/Mary Line (also - the "Holy Line"). This is a time of Activation, of life-renewal , as the Solar impulse travels along the "spine, if you like of the "Albion" figure which can be found (take a look at an Atlas) - the head is at Norfolk/Suffolk- the Alignment begins at Hopton, just north of Lowestoft- on the Brow of our Giant - further south his nose is at Orford Ness (Ness = "nose"); his mouth - the Rivers Orwell and Stour; his chin at Clacton -on-Sea. His eye - at the town of Eye! Suffolk.
 His forefinger, pointing over the Channel toward the Netherlands - is at Margate/North Foreland, Kent.
A second chance to"catch" this energy, this experience, arrives each year around 5-10 August, in the season of Leo - with the Sun again at  Declination 15-16 Degrees North.Our distant ancestors appear to have taken care to note and observe these Solar, and other rhythms of the Year - probably to the benefit of Earth, people, flora and fauna.

 Do take a look, discover for yourself.

Along, or very close to, the Spine/Michael Mary Line- you will find (amongst many other "stations") -Eye, Bury St. Edmunds,Royston, Avebury,Glastonbury - where the two components of the line, male and female, combine in an impressive and beautiful "mating" upon the Tor; Crediton and Brentor in Devon, In Cornwall; Lostwithiel- the 2 Lines meet within the Parish Church; -across the "Arthur" figure outlined between Redruth and Helston; St. Michael's Mount - where other alignments combine to produce a considerable nexus of power; - on to Carn Les Boel near Land's End - here we find the foot/feet of the Giant in Piscean Cornwall ;- National Day 5th March - the Feast of St. Piran.

 Do read "the Sun and the Serpent" by Hamish Miller and Paul Broadhurst -  for the full story.

"As Above, so Below" - of course - the Cosmos reflected in the Landscape.All things are connected - all things are one in this Holographic, "Fractal" Universe.
Except that - "down here" we appear to have forgotten our essential "divine" nature and and  have come to behave as if  the purpose of life was to acquire as many "Toys" as possible in the time allotted - and  -"no man knoweth the time, or the hour....".

 Time to"lift the game" - and set other goals? The Earth is ready - are you ?


 A recent discovery :- it is "dawning" upon some of us that there exists a very Giant in the South Devon landcape - the Head at Wallshill, Torquay - where a great Head gazes out over Lyme Bay -and a Ley Line then, running roughly South-West, through many significant points - via Totnes, -to  Renney Rocks - his feet, in the waters of Wembury Bay.
There are many more - "Giants" and "Giantesses" in the Landscape - it's fun to search, and a joy to discover - and, it gets you out into the eternal and beautiful countryside, where health and strength abound.

 Interestingly - it is said that, when Brutus the Trojan arrived in Devon (Totnes) around 1100 B.C. there were Giants inhabiting Devon and Cornwall - with whom the Trojans were obliged to tussle for the privilege of settling here.. Totnes was then, as now, it seems, integral to and at the forefront of the developing life and destiny of Britain.

 UKIP - It is possible, even, that the  current interest in UKIP (United Kingdom Independence Party) -setting aside, for the moment, any thoughts or observations on their actual policies, might be a manifestation of Albion "waking up".
Reminds one of G.K Chesterton's poem on - the People of England  "... who have not spoken - yet."
Anagram - Nigel Farage (UKIP leader) - "Rageing Elf":- here's something of the Old Ones - making known their displeasure at too-hasty developments in the Old Land ?
True Democracy requires that all voices are heard. What have you to say - what values, for you, are uppermost ?.

Astrologically, Mr. Farage has an Ascendant (we believe), of 11 Degrees Virgo - based on his given Time of Birth.- with Planet Pluto at 12 Virgo, rising - very focused, intense, determined.( in modern terms - a "Game-Changer.... PLUTO - is/represents - the Very Small Thing that makes a Big Difference.)
UKIP - founded 3 September 1993, has Sun at 11 Virgo, also.A good example here of  close identification of man and movement ; - and Pluto's Principle in action.Quite "Virgo", too:- "Not so fast - let me get to know you ...." . Virgo also, as Divine Mother -  Birthing New Forms -when conditions favour.

 And on that theme... Now that Britain has, probably, representatives from every Nation on Earth dwelling here (and a few, perhaps, not of this Earth?) - it has become an excellent Microcosm of of the Planet - such potential,when  friendship, mutual tolerance and respect reach a level which resonates from the heart - to help "lift" the vibration of the Planet - with reverberations on all planes throughout the Universe, manifest and unmanifest...
Idealistic? of course! - but  -"If you don't have a dream - how you gonna make a dream come true??"

 The Metonic Cycle .(no- not a James Dyson Invention...)

A 19 year cycle wherein Eclipses repeat on the same day/degree of the Zodiac after exactly 19 years.I won't tax you with too much detail - except to say that the  Solar and Lunar Eclipses and New and Full Moons of 2013 match almost precisely, and resonate with, those of 1993/4 and 1975-  years which stand out in the development of the "E.C", - or European Union, as it became, on 1 Nov 1993. The Solar Eclipses, especially, of 10 May, and 3 November 2013 (Taurus, and, Scorpio.)- represent shifts and changes in our collective values. Money, yes, but other, deeper values, too. The Life of Earth- on Earth - compared to say, the 1950's - "when I was a lad " - where is the wildlife -?. Gardens then were alive with bees and insects - many butterflies, too.Open windows on summer evenings meant a room, a ceiling peppered with many flying creatures - so many moths. Not so now.
...and - the Beetles ?
 Common Lizards were abundant in gardens. Hedgehogs, too. Ponds - of which there are many fewer nowadays - (although I have see some potholes the size of Duckponds)... large Water Beetles - the large green carnivorous and the black "vegetarian" variety were common - but, I haven't seen either species, in a pond, for years. One could go on - surely, though we need to give Nature a chance..?
And- what ARE Chemtrails ?

  There is no reason why we shouldn't enjoy a reasonable level of comfort  and prosperity - with a few technological "toys" thrown in - but surely, scaled down to a sane level."Sustainable" is the word. How about a Sustainable Spiritual practice, too ? Don't strive - in Silence arrives the Blessing.

On the "Albion" theme - a talk  (by me) at Harbour House, Kingsbridge, Devon on Sat. 8 June 10.30 - 1 p.m:-

"AWAKENING ALBION"  -a discussion of some of the issues outlined above.With particular reference to the Planet URANUS ("the Awakener!") - and its' ongoing dynamic Square aspect to Pluto ("The Transformer") -  Awakening! Transformation! (of the Nation?)-  and how this aspect registers in your Birth Chart.

"Taurus Time" now- - and some Taurean Notables/"National Treasures":- David Attenborough, Michael Palin, David Beckham, Vince Cable (why not?), Victoria Wood, Adele (the singer),Henry Cooper, Al Murray ("The Pub Landlord"), St George (23 April),"John Bull", the Duke of Wellington, David Icke,The Queen. Englebert Humperdinck (aka Jerry Dorsey).Eric Burdon.Sir Thomas Beecham.Mareen Lipmann.Joanna Lumley. Barbara Woodhouse.Oliver Cromwell. James Dyson.
 Further afield ( and some long ago...) Bing Crosby, Perry Como, James Stewart. Bono,G.Marconi,Salvador Dali, Hitler, Lenin, Saddam Hussein,Burt Bacharach. Mark Zuckerburg(Facebook founder).Orson Welles.Johannes Brahms. Karl Marx.Emperor Hirohito.
  Europe Day is designated as 9 May- here we encounter the Myth of Europa :- Europe as Bull, but Britain, as the Lady who rides the Bull - as a Guiding Intelligence ?
Astronomically,of course, Europa is one of the 4 major Moons of Jupiter - and can be observed with  the aid of binoculars.

 Starry Messages in the Landscape.************

                               With All Good Wishes - and in Friendship -

                                                 OG (aka David Matthews).

 P.S. Saw the first Swifts of the Year over Totnes on 6 May. Right on time !.

Saturday 26 January 2013

The Roly Poly Fields

 When we were kids  -  there was a field at the edge of the village where we would lie down, at the top of the slope, and "roly poly", tumbling over and over on our sides, from top to bottom of the field- with much laughter, exhilaration and glee.Regardless of the odd cowpat, nettle or thistle. Sheer joy of living.

 That field still exists, despite the encroachment of the builders over the intervening decades.Not long ago I stood in the lane above, remembering the times when we village kids would roam all over the Lanner valley (West Cornwall) and up onto the hills on either side: the old tin and copper mines and the abandoned quarries were as familiar to us as our own back gardens .
 For us, it was an outdoor life, bikes, bows and arrows, camps made amongst prickly bushes and abandoned mine buildings, newt-filled ponds, feral cats and rabbit runs amongst the gorse.Going home, only when  the demands of dusk, hunger and scuffed elbows outweighed the call of hill and valley.

Nostalgia ? Yes- but how lucky we were to have lived that way - you cannot go back, exactly, but at any time, I can enter the Roly Poly fields of the imagination and feel the Earth and Sky alternating madly as my body  submits to gravity out  there on the green slopes.

 Then -came 1962, or thereabouts, a great Solar Eclipse in February (The great Aquarian Eclipse) signified a shift, an accelleration of events, inner and outer. The Beatles; "Telstar",Television, Technology. Town rather than country and the inevitable drama and revelation (that we all experience) of Adolescence and Young adulthood..
 Your experience, comparable, perhaps ? - may differ in  timing and "texture"to mine - yet we have all shared and partaken in, to some degree, the phenomenal developments since around 1945- at which period, Astrologically, from late August '45 to late September '46- the presence of planets Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron, together, in Libra, represented the great surge of hope and belief in a better Future, with compassion and concern  wrung from the heart, out of the catastrophe of a terrible war,which manifested at that time. Notably, in Britain, through the conception of the Welfare State, embedded in the Labour Party Manifesto of 1945 - written by Michael Young at Dartington, Devon (with Prime Minister Clement Attlee in attendance).

The same 3 Planets were together, again, this time in Aquarius, in 2009. Again, the vision presented - of One Humanity, the prospect of  Friendship whish transcends/ignores the usual barriers of race, class, religion, etc.A hint from the Great Spirit/Cosmic Intelligence?

  As for the Old Paradigm - which one might describe as the "Mushroom Treatment"  -"Keep in the dark and feed on crap.."( if you'll excuse the expression)- that's it, folks- time up!?

 It seems the Light is even reaching toward the Inner Sanctum of the Temple of Mammon - we hear Christine Lagarde, Head of the I.M.F. saying:- "Excessive inequality is corrosive to growth; it is corrosive to Society"
 Well done Christine! You're getting the hang of it!
 But don't over-emphasise the growth - a litle strategic shrinkage, especially around the Higher Echelons, would do no harm.

 In 2013 there will be emphasis upon the 3 Water Signs - Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces- as  many planets transit these zones during the year - Mercury (Guide, Messenger, Psychopomp), especially, spends no less than 205 days "In Water" during the year - largely because all 3 of its Retrograde periods take place in the Water Signs this year.
 Mid-July, especially, offers spectacular Grand Trines in Water, as does late June.

 The significance ? Deep Memory, recollection of things "submerged", objects "thrown in the Water" in lives unremembered, Coins thrown in Fountains - what DID you wish for?, Excaliburs returned to the hand; -and, very probably - RAIN. Atlantis, Lyonesse: Underground - Old wall exposed by Gas Main Renewal in Totnes High Street - Saxon - or older ?
Hidden things revealed.The Unity of All Things - sensed and experienced more readily.Whales, Dolphins and - Mermaids ?
Empathy felt and expressed, tears one cannot hold back, the closeness of guides, friends, family and ancestors in the "other world" .Tir-Nan-Og - the land of Eternal Youth...(the secret location of the Roly Poly Fields..).
 It rather depends upon where you "tune in" - and on that note -

 If you have ventured into the land of Totnes. F.M. (Online radio),you may have come across my Show "Earthstation Og" - a blend of Astrology, Astronomy, History, Guests and Music held together withWaffle.(Or Soundwich...)
  Totnes F.M. is now taking a break while it/we move to new premises in Totnes- a little closer to town - and to go fully "On Air" in the Summer - I'll keep you posted....

            The New Moon of  10 Feb. signals the start of Chinese New year (of the Water Snake).
 The New Moon of 11 March features no less than 8 Planets in  Pisces (if you count Sun, Moon and Chiron as planets).

Comet ISON, which could be "big", arrives in November - a "Sun Grazer", we'll learn more of this during the year. 
 7-9 Feb. - a chance to observe Mercury and Mars together, low in the West, after Sunset.

                  Ready to step into spring ?

                            With Kind Regards  - David (aka Og.)



Saturday 10 November 2012

Cosmology and Other Interesting Stuff

 Dear Friend;

 Early morning -  I sit to compose a Blog -the inobtrusive polite buzz of Radio 3 from the next room; my eye is drawn to the "Alt" key on the keyboard in front of me.
Alt = "High" (Latin - "Altus".) -a message from up there" ?
Probably. While we are "down here" we are in a position to "earth"  energy from "up there" -as we do so, consciously and, perhaps, joyfully ?, we help the Quickening of the Planet and all who sail in her/with her in this endless whirling spiral dance around the Sun - at 19 miles per second.

The Sun - source of Light and Life - a Star - and our "local" conection to the billions of other Stars with their countless Planets in a (Physical;) Universe that we have only just begun to explore.

Our nearest "Neighbour", Proxima Centauri is only 4 Light Years Distant.However, thought, telepathy, the mind - connects instantly - and perhaps we will find that,ultimately,as we are essentially pure Mind, we will not need to transport our bodies around in such a frantic way as we do at present, - but move in and out of the physical with more ease and understanding ;- and there are some pursuits, of course, which are best enjoyed via the (temporary) garment of the physical body - and there lies a major attraction which pulls us back out of the Timeless into this world , perhaps, too often - or more often than really necessary... ?

Now - the streaming forth of Life and Consciousness seems to be about to slip into a higher gear - and take an Upland road from which the view is much extended -as here in South Devon the road from Kingsbridge to Salcombe lifts you from the valley onto the ridge where lies Malborough (once a Viking settlement) - with Dartmoor to the North and the great Bolt Head and the sea to the south - and the heart lifts skyward, ascending as the Lark.( least, it does in my case...).

Then - the Mayan Calendar "runs out" on 21 December 2012 - what is the implication ? I asked, some time ago, the Grand Old Oracle - the I Ching ,concerning this  - and received the Hexagram "HUAN" - Dispersion; Dissolution - no 59. -which offers the following:-

 " Here the subject is the dispersing and dissolving of divisive egotism." It talks of:- that which "awakens a consciousness of the common origin of all creatures" - and - "...the melting of Ice Floes - ( well- Global Warming!) - as the hardness and selfishness of the heart has lead to rigidity and separation from others." Then - "... the hearts of men must be seized by a devout emotion - shaken by a religious awe in the face of  eternity - stirred with an intuition of the One Creator of all living beings, and united through the strong feeling of fellowship experienced in the ritual of divine worship." - Wow..

The individual Moving Lines give further insight, but the passages from the Commentary quoted above convey the essential meaning of the Hexagram.
That was the response to one person's (my) enquiry - yours could invoke a quite different reply. Yet any sincere enquiry will produce a sincere response - from the I Ching. Though, as with any genial, but elderly friend - best not to trouble too often with superficial issues that will find their own resolution - given a little time.

  An Astrological;perspective - the next year or so sees a number of Planets transiting the Water Signs - at times there will be no less than 8 of our Planets in the Water Signs in 2013- a "wet" year by any standards, literally and metaphorically.
 Saturn's move into Scorpio,to the very day,in October, co-incided with the emergent "Savile Scandal"- of which you have no doubt heard; -unless you arrived, yesterday, from the Andromeda Galaxy . (But - even there you probably have "Sky News", so you'll be Up To Date with all that.....)

Whatever happens, though,when you  are emerging from a long dark tunnel - the Light, suddenly encountered, may at first dazzle and confuse. - but soon you enjoy the prospect of the "New Country" before you.

 After all -it's not where you go, but "Where you're at" that matters...

Let's keep communicating -and meeting together - ( I mean in general - my living room can only hold so many people at one time...) over this Winter period - to and beyond the Winter Solstice period. There is strength, and comfort, in shared vision - not to mention the tea and biscuits...

   Here are a few Forthcoming Events that might interest you:    (Talks by David Matthews) -

 1. SATURDAY.Nov 17th at Paignton Spiritualist Church 1.30 p.m. - "TIME OF TRANSFORMATION"

2. FRIDAY 30 November -Totnes Astrology Group session at 6 Plymouth Road, Totnes 2-4 p.m. £10/8:-
 ""PLUTO IN CAPRICORN" - (a Domino Effect) - the restructuring of the man-made world.

3. SUNDAY 16 December 3.00 p.m. at Tones Friends (Quaker) Meeting House, Ticklemore St.
 -by Donation -  "THE PROMPTINGS OF LOVE AND TRUTH"  ("New Light in 2013"),

  Other Groups and Meetings "in the pipeline"

    tel. 01803 867145.

 My TOTNES F.M. Radio show "EARTHSTATION OG" features Astrology/Cosmology - in varying doses- from week to week. Can be found via the Totnes F.M. site"Listen Again" pop-up menu. Click ONCE onto "Earthstation Og" -to hear at any time.

  Many thanks for your kind attention ;-  With All Good Wishes -
